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BST Logistics LLC, based in Minneapolis, Minnesota is providing exceptional value and service to our drayage customers through a dedicated customer support team. There’s no question logistics is complicated, we pride ourselves on being efficient, reliable and innovative.  We’ve perfected our approach to meeting your unique business needs with competitive rates. Our strong safety record, dedicated team and commitment to our customers allows us to minimize risk, manage performance, promote collaboration and drive new efficiencies that lower costs.

Our Vision.

We are committed to providing professional drayage services while delivering the best possible customer experience.


Our Values.

Excellence, transparency, innovation, collaboration, safety.

Our core values not only matter, they deliver. Excellence results in industry-leading innovation. Transparency evolves into exceptional service. Safety yields reliability. Our collaboration with industry leaders drives great value for every customer.

Company Profile.

Since 2020 we have been building our business to prepare us to be one of the leading companies in the Twin Cities.

Our core values and our vision definitely have made a good impression on our clients therefore they choose us over others. 

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